
CHILD Parent

Why did you enroll your child in this study?

I was involved in another longitudinal cohort study in Vancouver and when we were approached by CHILD it was an easy decision. I understand the importance of this type of research and the results that come from being part of a larger cohort group. Also the broader questions being asked by CHILD were interesting to my wife Kat and me.

What’s a hobby or activity you’re passionate about?

I love cooking and learning new techniques to use in preparing food for our family. Over the past couple of years I’ve learned to use a sous-vide machine and an upright drum smoker!

If you had a time machine, which period would you visit and why?

Egypt, at the time of the building of the Great Pyramids. They have always intrigued me as monuments and the questions surrounding their construction have been an ongoing curiosity.

If you could learn any new skill instantly, what would it be?

Playing the piano. I took lessons when I was younger, but could never get my fingers to go where they needed to make the music that I wanted to play.

What’s your favourite way to unwind?

Walking our dog, Dandelion, after dinner. It’s nice to get outside and get some fresh air every day.

What is something about you that not many people know?

I have seen my favourite band, The Tragically Hip, over 20 times. Kat and I were even in one of their music videos!

Artist's visualization
Aaron with daughter Brynn at a 2019 CHILD conference
Aaron (with fellow CHILD parents, their kids & Study Director PJ Subbarao) at a 2024 CHILD workshop

Aaron is a parent participant in CHILD associated with the Study’s Toronto site. Aaron (and his daughter Brynn) have also been members of the Study’s National Participant Engagement Committee (NPEC) since its creation in 2018. The role of NPEC is to bring the voice and perspective of Study participants into CHILD research and planning.

Created fall 2024