Thanks & best wishes to Dr. Bassel Dawod

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Dr. Bassel Dawod, Research Associate with CHILD at McMaster University, has left his position with the Study as of 14 August 2024.

In late August, Dr. Dawod will be assuming a new role in the University of Texas at Dallas in the field of Onco-Immunology.

“I am grateful for the opportunities and knowledge I have gained while working with CHILD,” comments Dr. Dawod.

“It’s been a pleasure working with such a fantastic group.”

Dr. Dawod joined the CHILD team in August 2022. Working closely with CHILD’s Clinical Science Officer, Dr. Kozeta Miliku, Dr. Dawod has been an integral member of the Study’s National Coordinating Centre (NCC) team and contributed to the Study’s operations, evolution and progress in various ways.

He supported the scientific and methodological planning for clinical assessments; helped develop strategic research partnerships and facilitate new scientific collaborations; conducted literature reviews and data analysis; formulated research questions; and helped prepare grant applications.

His departure marks the end of a long-term relationship with CHILD, as Dr. Dawod began his involvement with CHILD years ago as a trainee in AllerGen NCE, the network that spawned the Study.

“In his time in CHILD’s national headquarters, Bassel not only personified scientific integrity,” notes CHILD Director Dr. Padmaja Subbarao, “but by virtue of his personality, he also boosted the camaraderie and team spirit shared within the team. He will be missed!”

We thank Dr. Dawod for his time with CHILD, and wish him all the best in his new role!