A new video is available in the CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) award-winning series.
The playfully animated short video, CHILD Cohort Study: New scientific insights into breastfeeding, presents numerous CHILD research findings about breastfeeding and its impact on children’s health and development, including:
- breastfed babies have higher levels of beneficial gut bacteria and healthier growth patterns than babies who are not breastfed;
- breastfed babies have a lower rate of wheezing – one of the most common reasons infants are hospitalized or receive medical care;
- breastfed babies have a lower risk of developing asthma as they get older;
- how a baby is breastfed matters too – meaning, there is a difference between feeding directly from the breast and feeding pumped breastmilk from a bottle; and
- just like fingerprints, breastmilk is unique to each mom and baby.
CHILD stakeholders across sectors—including the CHILD Knowledge Mobilization Stakeholder Advisory Committee; CHILD National Participant Engagement Committee; MILC (Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation Centre); and CHILD site leaders and coordinators—provided input to the video’s development to ensure the Study’s findings are presented in a way that is accessible to a diverse lay audience.
Watch the video below to find out how CHILD and its discoveries are helping parents, health professionals and communities to understand the role of breastmilk in child health and development, toward ensuring that all babies grow up healthy, however they are fed.Aussi disponible en français | Animation by Richard Murray
© AllerGen Inc. 2020. This video is freely available for non-commercial use. It is available for commercial use through a licensing agreement with the rights holder.