The CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) has launched a new CHILD COVID-19 Rapid Results webpage to share data being collected through CHILD’s COVID-19 add-on study.
The data illustrate how the pandemic is affecting the physical and mental health of Canadian families—reporting on COVID-19 infections among adults and children; changes in daily routines, schooling, work and healthcare utilization during the pandemic; and stress and coping during the pandemic. As the study proceeds, the page will also share data on emerging topics like vaccine uptake and hesitancy.
“This information is helping us understand the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic on families’ health and wellbeing,” comments Dr. Meghan Azad, who leads CHILD’s COVID-19 add-on study.
Among many key findings, a few highlights from CHILD’s COVID-19 Rapid Results page include:
- 1.5% of children and 2.1% of adults reported testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection at some point since the pandemic began.
- The vast majority of study participants (91%-99%) reported following standard pandemic control measures (e.g. wearing masks) after September 2020. A small minority (5%-8%) reported having to self-isolate or quarantine.
- 50% of parents were moderately to extremely worried about becoming infected themselves, and 70% were worried about their family members becoming infected.

The data visualization graphs featured on the page can be downloaded and shared freely.
“The project is already moving quickly, and this rapid collection and sharing of data will contribute to pandemic response and recovery strategies across the country,” says Deborah McNeil, Scientific Director for the Maternal Newborn Child and Youth Strategic Clinical Network in Alberta Health Services.