A message to CHILD Cohort Study families from the Study Director
If you have joined the add-on study, more detailed participation information can be found here (password required, as provided to you in your kit).
Visit CHILD’s COVID-19 Rapid Results webpage to see the data collected so far from the COVID-19 add-on study.
Dear CHILD Cohort Study families:
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and dedication to CHILD. As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused some disruption to Study visits. If your visit was cancelled or not performed for some reason, your CHILD research coordinator will be in touch to re-book your clinic visit for a date when it is safe for our research activities to resume, and/or to perform a remote, “virtual visit” with you. In the meantime, we hope that you will help CHILD make a difference in the fight against COVID-19.CHILD has begun a COVID-19 add-on study that consists of answering questions and contributing some blood and stool samples.Your family members – both parents and kids – will be asked about symptoms and impacts of COVID-19, how the pandemic has changed your daily home life, and for your thoughts and worries about the virus; you will also receive kits in the mail by which to collect your own blood and stool samples. The resulting data will help scientists to understand the impact of the pandemic, as well as the effects of home isolation, on health and wellbeing. Please see the video below for more information about this add-on study. If you have joined the add-on study, more detailed participation information can be found here (password required, as provided to you in your kit). CHILD participants and their families have contributed to vital medical research all their lives and we will greatly appreciate the commitment of our wonderful families to complete these questionnaires and help the world study COVID-19. Sincerely, Padmaja (PJ) Subbarao CHILD Study Director