Materials are available for children participating in the CHILD Cohort Study, to help them prepare for their clinical assessments at age 8/9 years.
Study staff at the Manitoba site of CHILD have developed a six-page “Kids’ Guide” to the 8/9-year visit that suggests how kids can prepare, explains the purpose of the visit, and lays out the actual visit activities in the form of an eight-step path.
They also included a one-page overview about the 8/9-year visit in their Spring 2019 newsletter, which you can see here.
But the Study kids are now of an age where not only can they appreciate communications materials aimed directly at them, they can collaborate in the creation of such material.
And this is exactly what they have done, in Vancouver and Edmonton: Study kids themselves are the stars of two videos all about what to expect at one’s 8/9-year visit with CHILD.
View the videos by Sam and Hazel in Vancouver, and by Sara, Colby and JD in Edmonton.
The first 8/9-year visits with CHILD participants took place on August 8, 2019. The scheduling of these visits represents an extension of the Study beyond its original 5-year plan. Read about these first 8/9-year visits, and the new plans for CHILD, here.