1Allergic Living
2Globe and Mail
5The Economist
NCE Canada
The CHILD Cohort Study was featured in these major media publications. Click on the images to read the stories.







TV coverage & online interviews about CHILD. Click on the images to see the videos.

The CHILD Cohort Study, affiliated researchers and the authors of CHILD research papers: 1) are not responsible for errors or misinterpretations of their research and/or research findings committed by media outlets who report on these, and 2) do not necessarily endorse or agree with the editorial or third-party opinions expressed in this coverage.



CHILD discovers common origin of major childhood allergies

CHILD provides first Canadian data on gas stove use and asthma risk

Breastfeeding offsets asthma risk from antibiotic exposure


New tool allows caregivers to predict asthma early


Breastfeeding in first days linked to lower blood pressure at age 3

A newborn’s dirty diaper may help predict allergy risk


Falling asthma rates linked to lower use of unnecessary antibiotics

Baby’s exposure to cleaning products can increase asthma risk



Screen time associated with behavioural problems in preschoolers

Breastmilk from mothers who pump has a different microbial makeup



Breastfeeding may protect against obesity in early life

Household cleaners may alter childrens’ gut bacteria, contribute to their becoming overweight

Infants who sleep less may have lower cognitive and language skills by age two

Breastmilk protects against food allergies

Exclusive breastfeeding protects against becoming overweight

C-sections and gut bacteria increase risk of childhood obesity



Asthma in infant boys may eventually be preventable

Asthma and food allergies predictable at age one

Delayed food introduction increases risk of sensitization

Can breastfeeding protect babies from wheezing?

Pet exposure during early life has a positive effect on infant gut microbiota



Prenatal fruit consumption boosts babies’ cognitive development

Artificially sweetened drinks during pregnancy may increase infant BMI

Delaying the introduction of certain foods increases the likelihood of allergies later in life



Four gut bacteria seen as key to halting asthma

Babies' gut bacteria could predict food allergies



Birth, feeding choices affect a baby’s gut bacteria