Your next visit

What to expect when we see you next

Your next visit

What to expect when we see you next

We want you to be prepared for your next clinic visit with CHILD.

Below we outline our plans for your next visit. Click on any item for more detail.


The times given are approximate and visit activities and timelines may vary from site to site.


CHILD staff will review a document with you that outlines the purpose of your visit and the way the resulting data will be used. You will be asked to confirm that you understand and agree with this plan.


To ensure that your participation is voluntary, and that you are informed about and comfortable with the way the Study will use the data from your CHILD visit.

How long?

About 3 minutes.


CHILD staff will take various basic measurements of your body: height; mid-arm, hip and waist size; arm and back skinfold. They will also use a body composition monitor to measure your weight and body fat.


To track your overall growth and physical development over time.

How long?

About 10 minutes.


CHILD staff will use a monitor to test your blood pressure three times, with a one-minute break between each test.

The test involves strapping an inflatable cuff with pressure sensors around your upper arm; the cuff is then inflated then slowly deflates while measuring the flow of your blood through the arteries in your arm.


To track the health of your heart and vascular system (the vessels through which your blood flows).

How long?

About 7 minutes.


CHILD staff will… to measure how fast the pressure wave of blood travels through your arteries as a result of your heart pumping.


To see how stiff your arteries are—a sign of the health of your heart and vascular system (the vessels through which your blood flows).

How long?

About 15 minutes.


CHILD staff will expose you to some common allergens (including cat, dog, mold, grass, weeds, trees, house dust, cow’s milk, egg white and peanut) by introducing a small amount of each into the skin of your forearm with a gentle pin prick.


To check for signs of an immune reaction, like slight swelling or redness, which may mean that you are developing an allergic sensitivity.

How long?

About 15 minutes.


You will be asked to take a deep breath and then to blow hard and fast into a plastic tube (a spirometer). You will then repeat this test a few times, taking a few breaths of a saline mist before each test. 


To check how open and clear your airways are, as a sign of your lung health.

How long?

About 20 minutes.


At your clinic visit, staff will collect biological samples from you of nasal (nose) mucus and saliva or blood.

You will also be asked to bring samples of your urine and stool (poo) from home using special kits that you will be provided in advance.


To explore many things about you and your health, including your genetics, hormones, nutrition, microbiome (the community of microorganisms living in you), and metabolome (molecules involved in many chemical processes affecting how your cells function).

How long?

About 15 minutes.


With help from staff, you will be asked to respond to various questions relating to such topics as: anxiety, depression and bullying; physical activity; sleep habits; media and technology use; risky behaviours (like smoking or vaping); and gender and body image. 


To investigate the influence of these factors on your health and development.

How long?

About xx minutes.


Staff will introduce you to one or two pieces of wearable technology: a GPS (global positioning) and/or an actigraphy (physical activity) device. You will then be invited to take one of these devices to wear for a week.


To gain insight into your sleep and pysical activity patterns, as well as the environments you spend time in.

How long?

About xx minutes.


Staff will introduce you to a mobile app for tracking your food consumption by taking pictures of your meals, and will invite you to use the app for a week (?). 


To gain insight into your eating habits and how they might impact your health and development.

How long?

About xx minutes.

Thank you in advance for your continuing participation in CHILD!


The times given are approximate and visit activities and timelines may vary from site to site.


CHILD staff will review with you a document that details the purpose of your and your child’s visit, the tests and questinonaires you will be asked to complete, and the way the resulting data will be used. You will be asked to confirm your agreement with the Study’s plans by signing the document.


We are doing this to ensure that you understand and agree with the way the Study will collect and use the data from your CHILD visit.

How long?

About 20 minutes.


If you did not perform this test at your last clinic visit, you will be asked to take a deep breath and then to blow hard and fast into a plastic tube (a spirometer).


To check how open and clear your airways are, as a sign of your lung health.

How long?

About 10 minutes.


On a series of forms, you will be asked to respond to various questions relating to such topics as: your child’s recent health and medication history; environmental factors at home and at your child’s school; your child’s eating and sleeping habits; your child’s overall metal health and well-being; household socio-economic status and stress levels; and your own health and activity levels. 


To investigate the influence of these factors on your child’s health and development.

How long?

About 90 minutes.


CHILD staff will expose you to some common allergens (including cat, dog, mold, grass, weeds, trees, house dust, cow’s milk, egg white and peanut) by introducing a small amount of each into the skin of your forearm with a gentle pin prick.


To check for signs of an immune reaction, like slight swelling or redness, which may mean that you are developing an allergic sensitivity.

How long?

About 15 minutes.


At your clinic visit, staff will collect biological samples from you of saliva and blood.


To explore many things about you and your health relevant to your child’s health, including your genetics, hormones, nutrition, and metabolome (molecules involved in many chemical processes affecting how your cells function).

How long?

About 15 minutes.


At the end of your family’s clinic visit, staff will review what was accomplished and solicit your feedback on your visit experience.


To ensure your time was used well and nothing important was overlooked, and to identify ways of improving possible future clinic visits.

How long?

About 10 minutes.

Thank you in advance for your continuing participation in CHILD!