Above: Dr. Malcolm Sears with four CHILD Cohort Study participants at AllerGen’s January 2019 Research Conference.
2024 award application deadline: Friday, March 15, 2024. Details below.
The Sears Undergraduate Summer Studentship (Sears Studentship) provides financial support of up to $6,000 to an undergraduate student working full time for at least 12 weeks on a research project involving data generated by the CHILD Cohort Study, under the supervision of an investigator working with CHILD data.
Sears Studentships aim to foster interest in the fields of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) and in allergic and related immune diseases among undergraduate students by enabling them to work with CHILD research teams.
The Sears Studentship was created in 2019 to honour Dr. Malcolm Sears, the Founding Director of the CHILD Cohort Study, who led the planning of the Study from initial discussions in 2004 and served as its Director from its inception in 2007 until passing the leadership to Dr. Padmaja Subbarao in July 2017.
The 2024 application deadline is Friday, March 15, 2024.
For the 2024 Sears Studentship, applicants must submit a complete application online no later than 11:59 pm in their respective time zones on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Only one application is allowed per applicant per award cycle.
A full application must consist of a completed online form, with the following attachments:
- applicant CV
- applicant academic transcripts
- supervisor CV
- supervisor letter of support
To prepare content in advance for entering into the online form, see the application guidelines. Application requirements are further detailed in the Call for Applications.
Additional details about the application process are provided in the Call for Applications and the Application Form Guidelines.
Applicants will receive notification of an award decision in ealry April 2024. An award will only be issued if an application of sufficient quality is received, that fully meets the studentship’s eligibility requirements.
Help give undergraduate students a unique training opportunity. Help to spark in them an enduring interest in health research and/or clinical practice—an interest that might lead them to pursue advanced studies in a related area. Help today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders in the fields of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) and in allergic and related immune diseases.
Donations toward the Sears Studentship, for which a charitable receipt can be issued, can be made through the CHILD Cohort Study’s partner organization, The Sandbox Project, by credit card (through the form below), or by a cheque made out to “The Sandbox Project” and mailed to: The Sandbox Project Charity, 30 Adelaide Street East, Suite 301, Toronto, ON M5C 3H1.