Kim Wright has dedicated her talents to the strengthening and growth of the CHILD Cohort Study for almost a decade. As of 1 July 2022, Kim will be redirecting her considerable energies toward enjoying her retirement.
Among Kim’s contributions to CHILD, she shared the Study’s research findings with media, the public and other stakeholders by crafting dozens of lay language research summaries and press releases.
She spearheaded CHILD’s 2019 rebranding and new logo, guided the development of the CHILD website, and led the creation of short videos focusing on CHILD research discoveries (three of which won CIHR awards).
She played a central role in establishing and animating CHILD’s participant and external stakeholder engagement committees and was the driving force behind the Study’s hugely popular arts contests.
More recently, she has helped with the development and refinement of CHILDdb—the interactive platform for exploring and visualizing CHILD’s vast datasets, a national legacy resource that will enable research for decades to come.
Kim also brought to every CHILD team with whom she worked her affability and good humour. She will be sorely missed by her many colleagues.
“Kim has helped in so many ways to make the Study the success it is today,” says CHILD Director Dr. Padmaja Subbarao. “We hate to see her go, but we thank her for the years she shared with us and wish her all the best in her retirement.”
Please join us in congratulating Kim on entering her new adventure. You can leave her a personal message on this e-card.