L to R: National prizewinner: Antonio (11); Regional Prize-AB: Jacob (11); Regional Prize-MB: Preston (9); Regional Prize-BC: Mikaela (8); Regional Prize-ON: Vanessa (9)
The CHILD Cohort Study’s first Poster Contest prompted a national outpouring of creativity by Study participants.
A total of 220 kids submitted their colourful creations about their experiences as Study participants. Submissions originated from participants ranging in age from 7 to 11 years old at all four Study sites across Canada (Vancouver, Edmonton, Manitoba, Toronto) and beyond – from Victoria to Saskatoon to Halifax.
The original posters demonstrated a stunning variety of artistic approaches and themes, and shared many powerful messages, including how these children feel about being part of a long-running national research study that is helping to create a healthier future for others.
A pan-Canadian panel of judges managed to select five top prize-winners from this wealth of artistry.
The judges, drawn from across sectors—academia, broadcast and print media, government, not-for-profit community organizations, charitable foundations—share a commitment to children’s wellbeing and a connection to CHILD.
“CHILD is an incredibly important research platform for Canada and the world. Thanks to these kids (and their parents), we are discovering what early life factors affect health and wellbeing as kids grow up. Though it was tough to choose among so many fabulous posters, judging this contest was great fun and an amazing experience,” commented poster judge Timothy Caulfield, an author, TV host, and health-law expert.
AllerGen and the CHILD Cohort Study are proud to announce the 2020 CHILD Poster Contest winners—meet them and see their work here.
Congratulations to the prizewinners, to all the kids who submitted their wonderful posters, and to all the CHILD families whose commitment to the Study is helping kids to live healthier lives.
View the winners’ gallery | Meet the judges | See all the posters