CHILD’s Director Dr. Padmaja (PJ) Subbarao has been honored for her contributions as a mentor.
Dr. Subbarao was awarded the 2022 Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award (MHMA) for mentoring excellence by an established academic researcher.
MHMA awards recognize Canadian allergy and immunology researchers, practitioners and advocates who demonstrate a significant commitment to promoting capacity building, career enhancement and personal growth through mentorship. Honorees are nominated by their peers and/or mentees, and their mentorship contributions are adjudicated by a committee of recognized mentorship practitioners.
“Despite being a senior researcher and clinical leader at SickKids, PJ is selfless and facilitates the success of others,” wrote Dr. Subbarao’s mentees in her nomination form.
“In return she does not expect anything for her time or commitment; she considers the opportunity of shaping the next generation of scientists as one of her biggest rewards. Behind her research excellence and clinical brilliance, PJ is a humble and compassionate person. She is deeply motivated to help others…”
Read more about the 2022 MHMA award recipients.
The MHMA program was by created by the Allergy, Genes and Environment Network (AllerGen) in memory of Michelle Harkness, AllerGen’s trainee program coordinator, following her sudden passing in August 2017. The awards have been issued annually since 2019. Past honorees include CHILD’s Deputy Director, Dr. Meghan Azad.