
CHILD Parent

Why did you enroll your child in this study?

At the time, a number of my friends had young kids with allergies and they mentioned how challenging it was feeding their child, above and beyond the regular challenges of being a new parent. I wanted to support research that would help families better understand what causes allergies and how to mitigate them.

What’s a hobby or activity you’re passionate about?

Squash. I started playing competitively at age 13. I began coaching in my late teens and am still very dedicated to coaching and facilitating courses. I am also motivated to increase the numbers of women participating and coaching in the sport. Young girls need role models and it’s not a sport that currently has many female coaches.

If you had a time machine, which period would you visit and why?

I feel that we are in the period we are in for a reason: to learn and experience what we need most at this time. That being said, my later teen years into my mid-twenties was the best period for me. I lived life fully, exploring so many things: work, travel, learning about myself and developing great friendships. That was definitely my “the world is my oyster” period.

If you could learn any new skill instantly, what would it be?

Hypnotherapy. Being a single parent to an older teenaged boy, I think this would certainly help better convince my son of the benefits of routines, healthy eating and sleeping, doing homework, and completing chores at home. LOL

What’s your favourite way to unwind?

If I am at my squash club, I will end an evening of coaching in the hottub. On a cool night out, I put on my toque and allow some self-care for my body and spirit to unwind.  At home, I’ll go into my sauna for a detox or relaxation session. I am very centered around self-care and rejuvenation for my body. Last year, I invested in a sauna for home use and love it! Detoxing the body is a great way to foster better sleep and overall better health.

What is something about you that not many people know?

I love animals. I am an owner of two rabbits right now. I had a Bearded Collie mix dog when growing up, and a pure-bred Golden Retriever while in university. In 2022, we got a therapy bunny, named Micah, from a shelter and a year later we got a female bunny, Sophia, for him to bond with. I love learning about their nature and watching them and how they react to things in their environment.

Micah and Sophia
Tasha with son Max at a 2019 CHILD conference
Tasha facilitating a discussion at a 2024 CHILD workshop

Tasha is a parent participant in CHILD associated with the Study’s Vancouver site. Tasha (and her son Max) have also been members of the Study’s National Participant Engagement Committee (NPEC) since its creation in 2018. The role of NPEC is to bring the voice and perspective of Study participants into CHILD research and planning.

Created fall 2024