A unique, interactive platform for researchers to explore and visualize CHILD’s vast datasets

CHILDdb provides an unprecedented opportunity for researchers to explore CHILD data to study genetic and environmental factors influencing child health and development. No similar study has analyzed the home environment of such a large pregnancy-based cohort at the same level of detail, with “environment” interpreted broadly to include physical, chemical, viral, bacterial, nutritional and psychosocial exposures.

Users can now search and explore over 460 CHILD Study categories, including 347 questionnaires, 74 clinical, 26 geospatial and 18 sample-derived datasets, with over 51,000 total variables linked to nearly 60 million total participant responses or measurements in the database, all collected across 12 time points from pregnancy to age 8 years.

Researchers can create an account to view meta and aggregate data; access demographic data summaries based on selected variables; and submit a scientific Concept Proposal for approval to access individual-level study data.

Explore sample sizes related to derived variables and the questions you want to investigate.

Create a new scientific concept from linked variables or select a previously approved one to access data.

Intro to CHILDdb & training video (19m 22s)

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Explore data in CHILDdb (5m 5s)

Create, develop & submit a Concept Proposal (8m 30s)

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